Opel Astra, Zafira

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Astra
+ Cars Opel Astra and Zafira
- The operation manual
   The panel of devices
   The information display
   Additional electronic devices
   Access, protection
   Salon illumination
   Elements of systems of safety of the car
   The salon equipment
   Operation receptions
+ Routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

The information display

The three-functional information display

On the display screen at the included ignition indication of values of time of days and temperature of external air, and also date / parametres of functioning of an autoradio tape recorder (the Arrangement of controls see the panel of devices of the car an illustration) is deduced. Brightness of the screen is regulated by means of the same potentiometer by which intensity of illumination of devices (see above) is regulated. At the switched off ignition the current information (time, date, temperature of external air) can be displayed for 15 seconds of the display by short-term pressing one of two operating buttons located to the right of the screen (see in the same place).

The multipurpose information display

The display allows to deduce on the screen indication of values of time, temperatures of external air, date / of parametres of functioning of a radio receiver, and also the data of the onboard processor. At ignition inclusion illumination of the screen of the display which intensity is regulated by the same potentiometer, as intensity of illumination of devices is activated. Value of current time and the data of the onboard processor are displayed continuously, date is highlighted only at the switched off radio receiver. As well as in case of the three-functional display, at the switched off ignition the working information can be quickly displayed by means of one of two buttons of management. All features other, characteristic for the three-functional display also will hold good.

The multipurpose display with an option of a conclusion of working parametres of functioning of a radio telephone

Standard characteristics of the display completely correspond listed above for the usual multipurpose display (the previous paragraph see). In addition in the right bottom corner of the screen the field for a conclusion of working parametres of functioning of the radio telephone connected to an onboard network is allocated.

Management of a conclusion of messages of the onboard processor on the screen of the multipurpose information display

Management of a conclusion of messages of the onboard processor is carried out by means of push-button switches S and R, built in in an end face of the handle of the lever right подрулевого the switch, or (at a corresponding complete set) on the obverse panel of the information-entertaining centre. At a conclusion to the screen of the display of preventions of the monitoring system, indication of other values is blocked.

It is necessary to confirm reception of signals of refusal by pressing buttons S and R right подрулевого the switch, or moving on points of the menu at the expense of rotation of the rotary handle of the control panel of the information-entertaining centre (the processor call is carried out by pressing button VS).

At receipt of messages at once about several refusals acknowledgement of their reception is made consistently. After acknowledgement of reception of messages on the revealed malfunctions corresponding preventions leave from the screen of the display which is released again for a conclusion of the information arriving from the onboard processor, thus in the right part of the screen the inscription «CHECK», warning about necessity to prospect and elimination of causes of failures can be highlighted.

The graphic multipurpose information display

The display is intended for a conclusion of values of current time, date, temperature of external air, and also the information of the monitoring system, the onboard processor and the information-entertaining centre. The display can узкоэкранное, or полноэкранное execution with monochrome, or a colour conclusion of the data.

Input in system installations of the graphic multipurpose information display

For an input in system installations of the multipurpose information display it is necessary to choose point System Settings/Systemeinstellungen in the menu of installation of parametres of onboard processor Settings/Einstellungen.

Language choice

For a choice of language of a conclusion of messages enter into section of instructions Instructions/Bedienführung the menu of system installations (above), — on the screen the list of the realised languages of dialogue (below) from which it is necessary to choose the demanded will be deduced.

The exit in higher level of the menu is carried out through point Undo/Zurück (return).

Choice of system of units of measure

For a choice of demanded system of units of measure it is necessary to enter into point Units/Einheiten the menu of system installations. On the screen the list of offered units of measure will be highlighted.

The chosen point of the menu is marked by a symbol. The description of procedure of an exit from menu section in higher level see in the previous paragraph.

Picture contrast installation

For adjustment of contrast of the displayed image it is necessary to enter into point Contrast/Kontrast the menu of system installations and to make demanded adjustment. The exit from adjustment is carried out through point Undo/Zurück.

Indication of temperature of external air

The thermometer reacts to fall of temperature of air at once, and on increase — with some delay. Be cautious: when the thermometer shows some degrees above zero, on road there can be a glaze ice.

For the prevention of risk of an icing of road at decrease in temperature of external air to value nearby 3°С on the display screen, in the field of temperature indication the pictogramme in the form of a snowflake is highlighted.

On the models equipped with the graphic multipurpose information display on the screen of last in addition (besides a warning symbol) text message EIS/ICE is deduced also.

Signal of failure in system work is the conclusion to the screen of the display of an inscription «—. ° With», — drive away the car on a firm car repair shop of the company-manufacturer.

Date and time installation

Models with the three-functional and multipurpose information display

Manual installation


  1. Include a radio receiver. Installation is made by means of two buttons and, located to the right of the display:
  1. Within nearby 2 seconds keep pressed the button, — the indication of day of week should start to blink;
  2. By means of the button make installation of day of week;
  3. By means of the button pass to installation of the indication of month;
  4. The button modify the indication;
  5. Pass to installation of the indication of year;
  6. Modify the indication;
  7. Pass to installation of the indication of hours;
  8. Modify the indication;
  9. Pass to installation of the indication of minutes;
  10. Modify the indication;
  11. Start of hours (with zeroing of readout of second indications).

Automatic installation

On the models equipped with the information-entertaining centre, current time and date can automatically be established at reception of a signal from the companion of global system of positioning (GPS). If displayed time does not correspond local, corresponding updating can be executed manually with step to 30 minutes, or will be automatically made at receipt on a radio receiver of a signal of system of the radio data (RDS).

The input in a mode of automatic installation of time on signal RDS is made as follows:


  1. Within nearby 2 seconds keep pressed the button, — hours should pass in an adjustment mode.
  2. Twice press the button, — the indication of year should start to blink;
  3. Keep the button pressed during nearby 3 seconds until on the display screen the pictogramme symb-102-3 will be highlighted in a flashing mode and there will be no inscription «RDS TIME» (the indication of year should continue to blink);
  4. Button pressing make inclusion or deenergizing of a mode of automatic installation of time: RDS TIME 0 = выкл; RDS TIME 1 = вкл;
  5. For an exit from an installation mode press the button three times.

Models with the graphic multipurpose information display


  1. Come into the menu of system installations ботового the processor (the Control lamp of system of cooling of the engine with electronic control see above the item) and choose in it point Time/Date (Uhrzeit/Datum).
  1. Having got to section of installation of date / of time, choose in it demanded point and make necessary updatings (choice acknowledgement is made through point ОК).
  1. For inclusion of a mode of automatic installation of time / of date RDS enter into subsection Auto. Time Correction also mark a field directly behind the point with the same name.

The monitoring system

The monitoring system carries out monitoring of the basic working parametres defining safety of operation of a vehicle. Levels of working liquids, a thickness of frictional overlays concern number of such parametres колодок brake mechanisms of forward wheels, a condition of lamps of the basic external lighting devices, a condition of onboard electroconducting and safety locks of protection of electric chains.

The control of a condition of lamps of lighting devices is made only at food giving in a corresponding electric contour.

At ignition inclusion automatic diagnostics of all functions of the monitoring system is made, thus on the display screen inscription CHECK is highlighted. If any infringements at check does not come to light, the inscription dies away after approximately four seconds after unitary squeezing of a pedal of a foot brake.

At malfunction revealing on the display screen in addition to inscription CHECK the corresponding prevention is deduced. If some infringements are fixed, preventions are displayed the display serially.

For a conclusion of separate messages abbreviations can be used. The order of acknowledgement of reception of preventions of the monitoring system about the malfunctions revealed in the course of diagnostics is described above (the item Management of a conclusion of messages of the onboard processor on the screen of the multipurpose information display see). After reception of acknowledgement of the message automatically leave from the display screen, — inscription CHECK reminding of the fact of revealing of infringements continues to be highlighted only.

Messages on failure of lamps of near light / of back dimensional fires, stoplights and safety lock of stoplights will be displayed repeatedly later 15 minutes after reception by system of acknowledgement on their reception. After deenergizing and repeated inclusion of ignition written down in memory of the processor of the message again will be displayed the information display. After elimination of malfunctions of record about them automatically leave from memory.

Monitoring system messages at a conclusion to the display screen have the maximum priority before the other information.

Faults of giving of a food

At faults in food / giving considerable decrease in target pressure of the storage battery written down in memory of the processor of the message of the malfunctions revealed earlier are erased. After restoration of giving of a food the monitoring system makes automatic check of all working functions with a conclusion to the screen of the information display of the message on all revealed malfunctions. The description of procedures of restoration of indications of current time and date see above the item date and time Installation, the scheme of activation of the travelling computer is stated more low.

Examples of messages of the monitoring system

Brake light/Bremslicht (stoplights)

Infringement of serviceability of functioning of stoplights is revealed.

Oil Level/Motoröl Stand (level of impellent oil)

At the moment of inclusion of ignition by system excessively low level of impellent oil is fixed. Check up oil level, in case of need make corresponding updating (Routine maintenance see the Head).

Oil Lack/Ölmangel (shortage of oil)

Oil level has fallen to critical value. Immediately muffle the engine, check up level of impellent oil, make necessary updating (Routine maintenance see the Head). Drive away the car on a firm car repair shop of the company-manufacturer for carrying out of more detailed check and elimination of the reasons of losses of oil.

Coolant Level/Kühlmittel Stand (level of a cooling liquid)

Excessively low level of a cooling liquid in a broad tank of system of cooling is fixed. Muffle the engine, check up liquid level, make necessary updatings (Routine maintenance see the Head), in case of need drive away the car on a firm car repair shop of the company-manufacturer for elimination of the reasons of leaks.

Brake pad/Bremsbelag (brake колодки)

Frictional overlays колодок brake mechanisms of forward wheels are worn out to the minimum admissible value. Make urgent replacement колодок (the Brake system see the Head).

Brake Lamp Fuse/Bremslicht Sicherung (a safety lock of stoplights)

Signs of failure of a corresponding safety lock are revealed. Define and eliminate the overload reason, then replace a safety lock (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head).

Headlight/Abbelendlicht, Taillight/Rücklicht (a passing light of head headlights, back dimensional fires)

Lamps of a passing light of head headlights or back dimensional fires have failed. Check up corresponding lighting devices, replace the failed lamps.

Wash Fluid Level/Waschwasser Stand (level of a liquid of washing of glasses)

The fact of critical lowering of level of a liquid in the tank of a path of washing of glasses is fixed. Add necessary quantity of a fresh liquid (Routine maintenance see the Head).

Conclusion to the screen of the multipurpose information display of indications of the travelling computer

In a course of a trip the travelling computer informs the driver on current operational characteristics which it continuously registers also in appropriate way processes.

By pressing the management button the display screen can the following information is deduced:

  1. The current expense of fuel;
  2. The average expense of fuel;
  3. The absolute expense of fuel from the moment of the beginning of measurements;
  4. Average speed of movement;
  5. Run;
  6. Settlement stock of a course before refuelling;
  7. Stop watch indications;
  8. Temperature of external air.

The conclusion of some characteristics and indicators is carried out with use of abbreviations. The conclusion of messages to the display screen is carried out as their priority. Management of a conclusion of indications of the travelling computer is carried out by means of the buttons which have been built in about an end face of the handle right подрулевого of the switch, thus button S serves for a choice of a mode of functioning of the computer, button R — for an exit from a mode.

The current expense of fuel

Depending on speed of movement of the car, the current expense of fuel is displayed the display following units of measure:

  1. л/ч — For speed of movement below 13 km/h;
  2. Km l/100 — For speed of movement over 13 km/h.

The average expense of fuel

Calculation of the average expense of fuel at will of the operator can be begun at any moment anew.

The absolute expense of fuel

Start of measurement of the absolute expense of fuel at will of the operator can be made at any moment anew by pressing button R.

Average speed of movement

Start of readout of average speed of movement at will of the operator can be begun at any moment anew by means of button R, — for example, in the beginning of each trip.

Stops in a way with ignition deenergizing in calculation are not accepted.


On the display screen the kilometric area passed by the car is deduced. Readout start at will of the operator can be made at any moment anew.

Stock of a course before the next refuelling

At a stock of a course over 50 km its value pays off on the basis of the information on residual quantity of fuel in a tank and the data about an average the expense on the last 20—30 kilometres of run. After refuelling carrying out the new indication is displayed the display or after pressing button R, or established automatically after a start of motion and pass by the car of some short distance.

When in a fuel stock in a tank remains less than on 50 km of run, the computer passes in a mode «the Settlement stock of a course before refuelling» without pressing of button S. Indication thus can start to blink, or on the screen message Range is deduced. The given warning mode of functioning of the computer can be compulsorily disconnected by a choice instead of it another. Automatic return to a mode «the Settlement stock of a course before refuelling» occurs after a stop in a way.

On the models equipped with diesel engine X20DTL, for the purpose of acceleration of a warming up of the last to normal working temperature the heating of a cooling liquid is realised. The additional expense of fuel connected with a given option is not considered by the travelling computer that can lead to some overestimate of a settlement stock of a course before the next refuelling.

Stop watch

Inclusion of functions «Dump of indications» - "Start" - "Stop" - «Dump of indications» is made by pressing button R. The stop watch is intended for conducting timing of time spent to ways, thus ignition deenergizing involves a stop watch stop. At inclusion of ignition readout renews. Start of new readout can be made at any moment at will of the operator.


Temperature of external air

The item Indication of temperature of external air see.

Dump of indications of the travelling computer

The multipurpose information display

Possibility of simultaneous dump listed below parametres of the travelling computer by keeping of button R pressed during not less than 2 seconds is provided:

  1. The absolute expense of fuel;
  2. The average expense of fuel;
  3. Average speed of movement;
  4. Run;
  5. Stop watch indications.

The graphic multipurpose information display

Enter into the menu of installations of the onboard processor and choose in it point BC Reset Present/BC Rücksetzen aktuell — value of the chosen function is dumped and then pays off anew.

Value of a stock of a course before the next refuelling can be dumped only on the standing car. On termination of dump on the display instead of the chosen indications the line «_ _ _» will be highlighted, then, after a while there will be again calculated value. For dump of all indications it is necessary to choose point of menu BC Reset All/BC Rücksetzen alles (see in the same place) — on the screen the line «- -» will be highlighted, then new readout will begin.