Opel Astra, Zafira

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Astra
+ Cars Opel Astra and Zafira
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- The engine
   Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders
   Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
   + Procedures of repair of petrol engines SOHC without their extraction from the car
   + Procedures of repair of petrol engines DOHC without their extraction from the car
   + Procedures of repair of diesel engines of 1.7 l and 2.0 l without their extraction from the car
   - The general and engine major repairs
      Removal of the power unit from the car - methods and safety measures
      Removal, separation and engine installation
      Alternative variants of schemes of regenerative repair of the engine
      Sequence of dismantling of the engine
      Dismantling of a head of cylinders
      Cleaning and check of a condition of a head of cylinders
      Assemblage of a head of cylinders
      Removal of shatunno-piston assemblages
      Removal of a cranked shaft
      Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders
      Хонингование mirrors of cylinders
      Check of a condition of components of shatunno-piston group
      Check of a condition of a cranked shaft
      Check of a condition radical and шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft
      Engine assembly order
      Installation of piston rings
      Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings
      Installation of shatunno-piston assemblages and check of size of working backlashes in шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft
      Trial start and обкатка the engine after major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Installation of piston rings

Before installation of new piston rings it is necessary to check up backlashes in their locks. It is meant that lateral backlashes of landing of rings in flutes of pistons are checked already up and correspond to the accepted norms (Check of a condition of components of shatunno-piston group see).


  1. Spread out shatunno-piston assemblages with complete sets of rings on a working surface of a workbench. From this point on each complete set of rings will be rigidly adhered"to the piston. Now it is possible to start measurement of backlashes in locks of rings.
  1. Fill top (№ 1) компрессионное a ring in the first cylinder of the engine and level it perpendicularly, having pushed downwards the piston bottom. The ring should appear around the bottom border of a working course of rings in the cylinder.
  1. Define backlash size in the ring lock with the help щупа лезвийного type. The edge () щупа should slip hardly in the lock. Compare result of measurement to requirements (Specifications see). If the backlash size leaves in this or that party for limits of an admissible range before to undertake any actions on situation correction (see more low), once again make sure that have not mixed a ring.
  1. If the backlash is too small, it is possible to expand it with a way расточки a file with a small tooth. Clamp a rectangular file in a vice, then put on a ring the lock a file so that the end of the last has appeared in a circle. Slowly pull a ring on itself, removing surplus of metal from its end faces in the lock. Having reached the file end, remove a ring, again check up a backlash, in case of need repeat procedure.

At all do not push a ring from itself on a file as thus lock edges will converge, and the risk of destruction of metal raises!

  1. The excessive size of a backlash is not криминалом if does not exceed value of 1.02 mm. Once again make sure that the got complete sets of rings meet under the characteristics to requirements of the engine of your car.
  2. Repeat procedure for the remained rings (the second компрессионного and маслосъемного) the piston of the first cylinder, then for rings of all other pistons. Remember that now each complete set of rings "is unequivocally adhered" to the piston on which it should be established.
  3. Having checked up and having modified properly backlashes in locks of rings, it is possible to start their putting on on the pistons.
  1. The first on the piston puts on маслосъемное (bottom) ring. The maslosemnoe ring consists of three separate sections. At first fill in the bottom flute of the piston a spring dilator. If the dilator is equipped противоротационным by a uvula, track, that last has got to reciprocal drilling in a piston flute.
  1. Now establish in a flute the bottom working section of a ring. In order to avoid casual damage of working sections маслосъемного rings do not use for their installation any tool, — simply get in a flute under/over a dilator at first one end of section, densely press its finger and, moving on ring perimetre, fill the rest. In last turn the top working section of a ring is established.
  1. Having planted in the bottom flute of the piston all three components маслосъемного rings, check up rotation freedom (slidings in a flute) the top and bottom working sections.
  1. The following establishes the second (bottom) компрессионное a ring. The ring should be established by marks upwards (to the piston bottom).

Strictly follow instructions of manufacturers of rings which are usually printed on complete set packing. Do not mix the second компрессионное a ring with the first (top) — they have various cross-section section (on diesel engines of 1.7 l DOHC top компрессионное the ring is marked by a label «Т», bottom — «Т2» (both should be established by marks upwards).

  1. Having taken advantage of a special dilator and having tracked, that the ring has been turned by marks upwards, plant it in an average flute on the piston. Try not to plant the lock of a ring more than it is really necessary for its unobstructed putting on on the piston.
  1. Operating in a similar manner, establish the first (top) компрессионное a ring (marks upwards). Try not to mix the top ring with the second.

On some engines top компрессионное the ring is not marked and can be established by any party upwards.

  1. Operating in a similar manner, serially complete with rings all remained pistons.