Opel Astra, Zafira

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Astra
+ Cars Opel Astra and Zafira
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- The engine
   Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders
   Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
   + Procedures of repair of petrol engines SOHC without their extraction from the car
   + Procedures of repair of petrol engines DOHC without their extraction from the car
   - Procedures of repair of diesel engines of 1.7 l and 2.0 l without their extraction from the car
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point of the end of a step of compression (ВМТ)
      Check and adjustment of phases газораспределения (engines 2.0)
      Removal and cover installation газораспределительного the mechanism
      Removal and installation of a pulley of a cranked shaft
      Removal and installation of a cover of drive ГРМ
      Removal and installation натяжителей chains of drive ГРМ (engines 2.0)
      Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ
      Removal and installation натяжителя a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ (engines 1.7)
      Removal and installations of chains and asterisks of drive ГРМ, check of a condition of components (engines 2.0)
      Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft (engines 1.7)
      Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves (engines of 1.7 l DOHC)
      Removal and camshaft installation (ов) and components of a drive of valves
      Removal and case installation газораспределительного the mechanism (engines of 1.7 l DOHC)
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
      Removal and pallet installation картера
      Removal, service and installation of the oil pump
      Replacement of an epiploon of the oil pump (engines 1.7)
      Removal and installation маслоохладителя
      Removal, check of a condition and flywheel / installation приводного a disk
      Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
      Check of a condition and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
   + The general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Procedures of repair of diesel engines of 1.7 l and 2.0 l without their extraction from the car

Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point of the end of a step of compression (ВМТ)

The general information

Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point of a step of compression (ВМТ) see.

Order of performance of procedure

Reduction of any of pistons in position ВМТ is made by проворачивания a cranked shaft of the engine. If to take a detached view of the engine of drive ГРМ, the direction clockwise will be a normal direction of rotation of a cranked shaft. Remember that attempt проворачивания a shaft counter-clockwise can lead to infringement of adjustments of phases газораспределения. The first is the cylinder, extreme from outside drive ГРМ.


  1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. Иммобилизуйте ignition system (the engine Electric equipment see the Head).
  2. Make sure that transmission is translated in neutral position, then strongly cock a lay brake / prop up back wheels of the car противооткатными boots. Поддомкратьте car redock, establish it on props and remove the right forward wheel. At a corresponding complete set remove protection картера.
  3. For the control of position of working ledges of cams uncover газораспределительного the mechanism. On l models 2.0 it is alternatively possible to dismantle the vacuum pump of the servo-driver of the brake amplifier (the Brake system see the Head). For the purpose of providing of access to a control aperture on a camshaft pin).
  4. On models SOHC turn out fixing bolts and remove a pulley of a cranked shaft.
  1. By means of the key which has been put on a bolt of fastening of a gear wheel / of an asterisk of a cranked shaft, turn last in a direction of normal rotation before combination adjusting risks of a gear wheel / of a pulley with a reciprocal label on the basis of a cover of the oil pump (model 1.7) / chains of drive ГРМ (l models 2.0 — address to an accompanying illustration). Combination of adjusting labels guarantees reduction in position ВМТ of pistons of the first and fourth cylinders.

    2 — the Adjusting label on a cover газораспределительной chains (model 2.0)
    3 — Risk on a pulley of a cranked shaft (model 2.0)

  1. Now it is necessary to check up, what of pistons occupies ВМТ the end of a step of compression.
  1. On engines 1.7 SOHC it is necessary to check up position of a cam of a drive of the final valve of the first cylinder (2 — extreme from outside drive ГРМ), — in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the first cylinder the given cam is developed by a working ledge upwards. If a cam will develop a working ledge downwards, in ВМТ the end of a step of compression there is a piston of 4th cylinder and a cranked shaft it is necessary to turn on 360 ° in a normal direction.
  1. On models 1.7 of l DOHC the conclusion in a demanded point of the piston of 1st cylinder is accompanied by combination adjusting рисок cogwheels of a camshaft and Fuel pump with carving fixing apertures in a head / the block of cylinders, except that, cams of a drive of both final valves of the first cylinder should be developed by working ledges upwards, — make sure, having glanced in маслозаливную a mouth. If risks of cogwheels appear developed concerning labels on 180 °, hence, in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression there is a piston of 4th cylinder and for situation correction it is necessary to turn a cranked shaft in a normal direction for 360 °.
  1. On engines of 2.0 l it is necessary to check up positions of cams, or a control aperture in an end face of a pin of a camshaft. In position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder cams (1) drives of valves of the first cylinder should be developed by working ledges symmetrically upwards approximately under 45 ° to a vertical.

The control aperture in a shaft pin appears thus in position «at 12 o'clock». If shaft cams are developed by working ledges downwards, and the control aperture on a pin is in position «at 6 o'clock», in ВМТ the end of a step of compression there is a piston of 4th cylinder and a cranked shaft it is necessary to turn in a normal direction for 360 °.

  1. Fixing of pistons in the chosen position on models 1.7 of l SOHC is made by blocking of a cranked shaft by means of the special adaptation KM-951 representing a core, entered into dredging in a gear wreath of a flywheel through an aperture in a transmission dome. At absence near at hand the special adaptation, it is possible to take advantage of a long bolt in diameter of 8 mm (is better for this purpose the bottom bolt of the steering column which end is ground on a cone will approach).

  1. On models 1.7 DOHC fixing of pistons can be made at the expense of blocking of cogwheels of a camshaft and Fuel pump. Blocking of a cogwheel of a camshaft is carried out by means of bolt М6 passed in a round aperture in a spoke of a wheel and rolled in a carving aperture in a head of cylinders.

Cogwheel Fuel pump is blocked in a similar manner, with that only a difference that it is necessary to use bolt М8.

  1. On l models 2.0 the cranked shaft can be blocked by adaptation KM-929 introduction in an aperture of the gauge of position of a shaft (CKP) in a forward part of the cylinder. In case of need suitable adaptation can be made own forces according to resulted on an illustration Dimensional characteristics of the adaptation for blocking of a cranked shaft (mm) in parametres. Remove gauge CKP and track that the adaptation core has entered into reciprocal cut in a shaft body.