Removal, installation and cowl adjustment
The scheme of an arrangement of fixture of loops of a cowl
Installation and adjustment
Installation is made upside-down.
- At вворачивании fixing bolts track correctness of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle. Smoothly lower a cowl and make sure of correctness of hit of a latch to a reception nest of the lock. At the closed cowl check up similarity of lateral backlashes of its landing. Make sure. That the cowl first line is заподлицо with a surface of wings. Adjustment of lateral backlashes of a cowl is made by отпускания fixing bolts and corresponding displacement of loopy laths. The height of position of a cowl is defined by height of position of a latch of its lock (Removal and installation of components of the lock of a cowl see) and rubber pillows of carving support in the panel передка the car.