- Remove a camshaft cogwheel (Removal and installation натяжителя газораспределительного a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ see).
- Accurately punch or drill in a firm face surface of an epiploon pair of small apertures in which screw two самореза. Having grasped flat-nose pliers heads саморезов, take an epiploon from the landing nest.
- Smooth out walls of a landing nest of an epiploon, having removed from them small jags and the roughnesses, capable to lead to an exit of a new epiploon out of operation.
- Grease sealing sponges of a new epiploon with pure impellent oil and by means of cylindrical оправки запрессуйте and запрессуйте an epiploon in a nest заподлицо with a head surface (sponges inside), — rest оправку in rigid external edge of a face surface of an epiploon, try not to damage working edges.
In quality оправки it is possible to use a replaceable face head of the suitable size, or a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter. |
- Establish into place a camshaft cogwheel (Removal and installation натяжителя газораспределительного a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ see).