Opel Astra
+ Cars Opel Astra and Zafira
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- The engine
Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders
Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
+ Procedures of repair of petrol engines SOHC without their extraction from the car
+ Procedures of repair of petrol engines DOHC without their extraction from the car
- Procedures of repair of diesel engines of 1.7 l and 2.0 l without their extraction from the car
Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point of the end of a step of compression (ВМТ)
Check and adjustment of phases газораспределения (engines 2.0)
Removal and cover installation газораспределительного the mechanism
Removal and installation of a pulley of a cranked shaft
Removal and installation of a cover of drive ГРМ
Removal and installation натяжителей chains of drive ГРМ (engines 2.0)
Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ
Removal and installation натяжителя a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ (engines 1.7)
Removal and installations of chains and asterisks of drive ГРМ, check of a condition of components (engines 2.0)
Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft (engines 1.7)
Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves (engines of 1.7 l DOHC)
Removal and camshaft installation (ов) and components of a drive of valves
Removal and case installation газораспределительного the mechanism (engines of 1.7 l DOHC)
Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
Removal and pallet installation картера
Removal, service and installation of the oil pump
Replacement of an epiploon of the oil pump (engines 1.7)
Removal and installation маслоохладителя
Removal, check of a condition and flywheel / installation приводного a disk
Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
Check of a condition and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
+ The general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
Removal and pallet installation картера
All engines
- Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. Cock a lay brake, then поддомкратьте redock of the car and establish it on props. At a corresponding complete set remove protection картера.
- Merge impellent oil (Routine maintenance see the Head), then establish a new sealing washer and screw a drain stopper into place and tighten it with demanded effort.
Engines of 1.7 l
On models 1.7 of l SOHC pallet dismantle картера is interfaced to removal of the bridge of covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft. At installation of a crosspiece bolts of its fastening are subject to replacement without fail. |
- Turn out bolts of fastening of the bottom section of the pallet to the main casting. Separate the bottom section of the pallet and remove it from the engine.
On engines of 1.7 l SOHC for removal of the main cast section of the pallet, disconnect electroconducting from the gauge of temperature of oil established in its forward part, on engines of 1.7 l DOHC — remove a reception pipe of system of release of the fulfilled gases (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).
- Turn out a bolt () fastenings of a directing tube measuring щупа to the block of cylinders / литьевой pallet sections.
- On engines of 1.7 l SOHC take directing tube from main литьевой pallet sections.
- Then turn out a connecting bolt and disconnect масловозвратную a tube turbocompressor from литьевой pallet sections. Remove sealing washers.
- Turn out two bolts of fastening маслозаборника to moulding of the pallet and lift the receiver, — pay attention that маслозаборник is equipped by two sealing rings.
- Gradually releasing, turn out bolts and nuts, крепящие cast section of the pallet to the block of cylinders / to a cover or the case of the oil pump, картеру transmissions. If the pallet "has become attached" to a lining, обстучите its hammer with soft the brisk.
On models 1.7 of l SOHC the released pallet should be shifted towards a forward stretcher. |
- On models 1.7 of l SOHC turn out bolts of fastening of the bridge of covers of radical bearings and remove last together with pallet moulding.
- On engines of 1.7 l DOHC remove attached to the block of cylinders from below маслоотражательную a plate.
Engines of 2.0 l
- Disconnect electroconducting from the gauge of temperature of oil and (at a corresponding complete set) the gauge of level of oil.
- Turn out bolts of fastening of a flange of the pallet to картеру manual transmission.
- Gradually releasing, turn out bolts of fastening of the pallet to the basis of the block of cylinders / to the oil pump. In case of need slightly обстучав the pallet a hammer with soft brisk, separate it from the engine and take from under the car.
All engines
- Check up a condition of the mesh filter маслозаборника, — in case of need remove it together with a sealing ring and wash out in solvent.
Engines of 1.7 l SOHC
- Carefully smooth out interfaced surfaces of the bottom and main sections of the pallet картера. Impose a pillow of suitable hermetic on an interfaced surface around its joint with a cover of the oil pump and a cover of the back radical bearing.
- Lay a new sealing lining on an interfaced surface of the main cast section of the pallet and place last on a forward stretcher.
- Establish into place the bridge of covers of radical bearings, screw NEW fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort.
- Press cast section of the pallet to the engine, screw and by hand tighten all bolts of its fastening.
- Tighten fixing bolts with demanded effort.
If the cast section of the pallet is established on the engine removed from the car and separated from transmission, it is necessary to make sure that the section flange from outside a flywheel was combined with a corresponding flange of the block of cylinders. |
- Tighten with demanded effort bolts of fastening of casting of the pallet to картеру transmissions.
- Connect to the pallet масловозвратную a tube turbocompressor, using new consolidations. Tighten a bolt of fastening of a tube with demanded effort.
- Fill directing tube measuring щупа in cast section of the pallet, having replaced sealing rings, connect a tube to the block. Tighten a bolt of a basic arm of a tube on the block with demanded effort.
- Connect electroconducting to gauges of position of a cranked shaft and oil temperatures. Fix conducting in a basic arm.
- Establish sealing rings on the tube end маслозаборникаи connect a tube to cast section of the pallet. Tighten NEW bolts of fastening of a tube with demanded effort.
- Carefully smooth out interfaced surfaces of the main and bottom sections of the pallet, completely having released them from oil traces, and a dirt.
- Using a new lining, establish the bottom section of the pallet on moulding of the main section. Screw and tighten with demanded effort fixing bolts.
- Establish protection картера, lower the car on the earth and fill the engine with fresh impellent oil (Routine maintenance see the Head).
Engines of 1.7 l DOHC
- Remove all traces of a dirt, oil and hermetic of interfaced surfaces of both sections of the pallet, and, — if acted in film, — with маслозаборника.
- In case of need, replace a sealing ring маслозаборника and establish last in the basis of the block of cylinders. Screw a fastening bolt маслозаборника and tighten it with demanded effort. Establish маслоотражательную a plate.
- Make sure of absoluteness of cleanliness and dryness of interfaced surfaces of the block of cylinders and the main cast section of the pallet картера. Grease with suitable hermetic the top interfaced surface on top the basic section of the pallet.
- Establish on pallet moulding a new rubber sealing lining of a directing tube measuring щупа.
- Establish cast section of the pallet and acquire bolts and nuts of its fastening. Pay attention that four long bolts are rolled in apertures in a back part of moulding of the pallet. If pallet dismantle was made on the engine removed and separated from transmission, track, that back surfaces of the block of cylinders and pallet moulding have appeared are deduced in one plane. Moving from the centre to edges, in a diagonal order, in regular intervals tighten bolts of fastening of moulding of the pallet with demanded effort.
- Screw bolts of fastening of moulding of the pallet to картеру transmissions and tighten them with demanded effort.
- Make sure of correctness of installation of a directing tube measuring щупа it is established, wrap bolts of its fastening and tighten them with demanded effort.
- Establish a reception pipe of system of release of the fulfilled gases (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).
- Make sure of absoluteness of cleanliness and dryness of interfaced surfaces of the main and bottom sections of the pallet. Put a layer of suitable hermetic on an interfaced surface of the bottom section. Press the bottom section of the pallet to top, screw and tighten with demanded effort fixing bolts.
- At a corresponding complete set establish into place protection картера. Lower the car on the earth and fill in fresh impellent oil (Routine maintenance see the Head).
Engines of 2.0 l
- Carefully smooth out interfaced surfaces of the block of cylinders / of the pallet картера and if removed, — маслозаборника.
- In case of need, having replaced a sealing ring, establish on the pallet маслозаборник, having tightened bolts of its fastening with demanded effort.
- Put a layer of suitable hermetic on an interfaced surface of the block of cylinders in places of a joint with the case of the oil pump and a cover of a back support of a cranked shaft.
- Having replaced a sealing lining, press the pallet to the block of cylinders, screw and by hand tighten fixing bolts.
- Moving from the centre to edges, in a diagonal order, in regular intervals tighten bolts of fastening of the pallet to the block of cylinders / to the oil pump with demanded effort.
- With demanded effort tighten bolts of fastening of a flange of the pallet to картеру transmissions.
- Connect electroconducting to the gauge of temperature of oil and (if it is established) the gauge of level of oil.
- At a corresponding complete set establish into place protection картера the engine. Lower the car on the earth and fill in in the engine fresh impellent oil (Routine maintenance see the Head).