Opel Astra
+ Cars Opel Astra and Zafira
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- The engine
Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders
Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
+ Procedures of repair of petrol engines SOHC without their extraction from the car
+ Procedures of repair of petrol engines DOHC without their extraction from the car
- Procedures of repair of diesel engines of 1.7 l and 2.0 l without their extraction from the car
Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point of the end of a step of compression (ВМТ)
Check and adjustment of phases газораспределения (engines 2.0)
Removal and cover installation газораспределительного the mechanism
Removal and installation of a pulley of a cranked shaft
Removal and installation of a cover of drive ГРМ
Removal and installation натяжителей chains of drive ГРМ (engines 2.0)
Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ
Removal and installation натяжителя a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ (engines 1.7)
Removal and installations of chains and asterisks of drive ГРМ, check of a condition of components (engines 2.0)
Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft (engines 1.7)
Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves (engines of 1.7 l DOHC)
Removal and camshaft installation (ов) and components of a drive of valves
Removal and case installation газораспределительного the mechanism (engines of 1.7 l DOHC)
Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
Removal and pallet installation картера
Removal, service and installation of the oil pump
Replacement of an epiploon of the oil pump (engines 1.7)
Removal and installation маслоохладителя
Removal, check of a condition and flywheel / installation приводного a disk
Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
Check of a condition and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
+ The general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
Do not suppose dirt hit in the power supply system and Fuel pump! |
Head dismantle should be made from completely cooled down engine. In advance prepare a new sealing lining of a head of cylinders. |
Engines of 1.7 l SOHC
- Disconnect and remove the storage battery (the engine Electric equipment see the Head).
- Empty cooling system. Turn out fixing bolts and remove an air cleaner in gathering with air lines and a measuring instrument of weight of air (see the Head of System of cooling, heating).
- Disconnect the generator from an adjusting lath and the top back basic arm. Ослабьте the bottom bolt of fastening of the generator, remove a belt of a drive of the generator and develop the generator back.
- Uncover газораспределительного the mechanism (Removal and cover installation газораспределительного the mechanism see).
- Liberate from clamps and the air sleeves laid between турбокомпрессором and intercooler and intercooler and the inlet pipeline (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).
- Disconnect from the vacuum pump (4) on a case left-hand side газораспределительного the mechanism a tube of the servo-driver of the brake amplifier and a vacuum line (2) and (3).
- Disconnect electroconducting from the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid, the gauge of pressure of pressurisation and electromagnetic valve EGR.
- Disconnect electroconducting from the case газораспределительного the mechanism and take her aside.
- Ослабьте fixing collars also disconnect top радиаторный a hose from branch pipes on a flange and a radiator.
- Disconnect lines of giving and return of fuel from the case газораспределительного the mechanism.
- Release collars and disconnect a hose of a broad tank from the top forward branch pipe of the case of the thermostat and the case газораспределительного the mechanism. Take a hose aside.
- Remove fastening elements among themselves fuel lines, — try to remember adjusting position of components.
- Absolutely wipe штуцерные sockets of atomizers and exit Fuel pump (4 pieces), then ослабьте them накидные nuts. Weakening nuts штуцерных connections Fuel pump, keep unions from проворачивания the second key. Having released nuts, serially remove fuel tubes from the engine. Pure rags collect traces of the spilt fuel. In order to avoid hit in the dirt power supply system закупорьте atomizers, unions and tips of tubes pure plastic stoppers. Disconnect from the first atomizer a line of return of fuel.
- Give two nuts and disconnect electroconducting from candles накаливания 2nd and 3rd cylinders.
- Release штуцерный a socket and disconnect маслоподающую a tube turbocompressor from the block of cylinders (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).
- Disconnect маслоподающую a tube from turbocompressor (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).
- Turn out a fixing bolt and disconnect a returnable oil tube turbocompressor from the top part of the pallet картера. Remove sealing washers.
- Disconnect a basic arm of a final collector from the block of cylinders and a final collector. Turn out fixing nuts and disconnect a reception pipe of system of release of the fulfilled gases from a final collector.
- Turn out a fixing bolt and disconnect a basic arm of electroconducting and a tube of return of fuel from the left back part of a head of cylinders.
- Turn out two fixing bolts and remove the case of the thermostat from the right back part of a head of cylinders. Separate a casing from a metal tube of cooling in a back part of the block of cylinders, — pay attention to two sealing rings, and take him aside together with a heater hose.
- Operating in sequence, return specified, gradually, on a half-turn for the approach, in regular intervals ослабьте ten bolts of fastening of a head before possibility occurrence отдавания them manually.
- Remove bolts of fastening of a head together with washers.
- Remove the case газораспределительного the mechanism from a head, prepare eight pure polyethylene bags or plastic glasses and mark them according to numbering of valves. Remove levers of a drive of the valves, figured washers fixing them and hydrojacks, — spread out components on bags / to glasses according to the put marks.
- Having resorted to the help of the assistant remove heavy enough head of cylinders from the block. Remove a sealing lining, — try not to lose two directing plugs, established in the block of cylinders. If plugs are planted freely and easily taken out, take them and clean in a reliable place. Do not throw out an old lining, — it can be used as the sample at acquisition of the new.
The description of procedure of dismantling of a head of cylinders in case of need carrying out of its regenerative repair, see the General and engine major repairs.
Engines of 1.7 l DOHC
- Empty cooling system. Turn out fixing bolts and remove an air cleaner in gathering with air lines and a measuring instrument of weight of air (see the Head of System of cooling, heating).
- Remove a camshaft cogwheel (Removal and installation натяжителя a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ (engines 1.7 see.
- Turn out also bolts of fastening of a back cover газораспределительного ГРМ to the case газораспределительного the mechanism and a block head.
- Remove the case газораспределительного the mechanism (Removal and case installation газораспределительного the mechanism (engines of 1.7 l DOHC see), remove camshafts. Prepare 16 pure polyethylene bags or plastic glasses and mark them according to numbering of valves. Take from the landing nests in a head of cylinders pushers and combine them together with adjusting washers in in appropriate way the marked bags / glasses.
- Turn out three fixing bolts and remove from a final collector a thermofilter.
- Turn out bolts and nuts of fastening of a final collector to a head of cylinders. Remove washers. By means of a head of type TORX turn out two hairpins of fastening of a collector and, having pulled, remove a collector from the engine. The alternative way of dismantle of a final collector is stated in the Head of the Power supply system and release.
- Turn out fixing bolts and remove valve EGR.
- Disconnect from atomizers fuel tubes (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).Начисто wipe target штуцерные sockets Fuel pump (4 pieces), then ослабьте them накидные nuts. Weakening nuts штуцерных connections Fuel pump, keep unions from проворачивания the second key. Having released nuts, serially remove fuel tubes from the engine. Pure rags collect traces of the spilt fuel. In order to avoid hit in the dirt power supply system закупорьте atomizers, unions and tips of tubes pure plastic stoppers. Disconnect from the first atomizer a line of return of fuel.
- Disconnect a vacuum hose and a socket of electroconducting from electromagnetic valve EGR.
- Disconnect from Fuel pump a hose of return of fuel.
- Disconnect electroconducting from the gauge of pressure of the pressurisation established behind valve EGR on an inlet collector.
- Disconnect electroconducting from candles накаливания (the engine Electric equipment see the Head).
- Release a collar and disconnect a hose of system of cooling from the left back part of a head of cylinders.
- Disconnect electroconducting from the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid. Turn out fixing bolts and remove the case of the thermostat from the left back part of a head of cylinders.
- Operating with sequence, return specified, gradually, on a half-turn for the approach, in regular intervals ослабьте ten bolts of fastening of a head before possibility occurrence отдавания them manually.
- Remove bolts of fastening of a head together with washers.
- Having resorted to the help of the assistant remove heavy enough head of cylinders from the block. Remove a sealing lining, — try not to lose two directing plugs, established in the block of cylinders. If plugs are planted freely and easily taken out, take them and clean in a reliable place. Do not throw out an old lining, — it can be used as the sample at acquisition of the new.
The description of procedure of dismantling of a head of cylinders in case of need carrying out of its regenerative repair, see the General and engine major repairs.
Engines of 2.0 l
- Empty cooling system (see the Head of System of cooling, heating).
- Execute the operations described above (Removal and camshaft installation (ов see) and of components of a drive of valves — Removal, Engines of 2.0 l — subitem 1-13), — pay attention that for engine lifting it is required тележечный a jack, — for the purpose of loading distribution lay between a head of a jack and the pallet картера wooden брусок.
- Wipe absolutely places of connection of fuel hoses, turn out штуцерные bolts and remove sealing washers. Disconnect from the pump a hose of return of fuel, liberate hoses from intermediate clamps and take them aside from a head.
Remove the inlet pipeline and a final collector (see the Head of the Power supply system and release). If the head is not subject to repair, it can be removed in gathering with the pipeline and a collector:
- On models with high pressure a turbo-supercharging remove inlet air lines and a metal tube with turbocompressor.
- Turn out bolts of fastening of a routeing trench of electroconducting to the top part of the inlet pipeline and take him aside from the engine. Disconnect the pipeline electroconducting of the gauge of position of a cranked shaft (CKP);
- Remove the fuel tubes going from Fuel pump to atomizers. Disconnect vacuum hoses from the valve of switching of the inlet pipeline and valve EGR;
- Disconnect electroconducting from candles накаливания and remove a thermofilter turbocompressor;
- Disconnect oil tubes turbocompressor from the block of cylinders. Disconnect a vacuum hose of a diaphragm;
- Remove a starter thermofilter. Turn out fixing bolts and remove directing electroconductings and a basic arm of a final collector from a back part of the block of cylinders.
- Release collars and disconnect hoses of system of cooling from forward and back parts of the left wall of a head of cylinders.
- Turn out the top fixing bolt and take away the generator from a head of cylinders.
- Turn out three bolts of fastening of the right party of a head of cylinders to the top part of a cover газораспределительной chains and a unique bolt of fastening of a head to the block.
- Operating in sequence, return specified, gradually, on a half-turn for the approach, ослабьте ten main bolts of fastening of a head so that there was a possibility of their reversing by hand.
- Remove bolts complete with washers.
- By means of the assistant lift a head and remove it from the engine. Remove a sealing lining. Pay attention on two directing plugs established in the top part of a head of cylinders, — if plugs have free landing, remove them and clean in a reliable place. The old lining will be reasonable for keeping for the purpose of identification on it new.
Do not put a head on the bottom interfaced surface, enclose under a head wooden бруски so that they did not concern candles накаливания or sprays of atomizers which act from a plane of a head and can be damaged, if a head to put directly on a workbench. |
The description of procedures of regenerative repair of a head of cylinders see the General and engine major repairs.
Preparation for installation
All engines
- Carefully smooth out and dry wipe interfaced surfaces of a head and the block of cylinders. Use a firm plastic or wooden scraper for removal of all traces of a material of an old lining and a deposit. Also clear the bottoms of pistons. Be extremely cautious — surfaces easily to damage. Remember that the dirt should not get in маслотоки, water galleries channels and carving apertures — закупорьте their stoppers or stick with an adhesive tape. For prevention of hit of a deposit in backlashes between pistons and cylinders, fill the last of dense greasing which on termination of clearing procedure will be easy for removing a rigid brush. On termination of cleaning wipe all surfaces pure dry rags.
- Survey interfaced surfaces of a head and the block on presence of deep scratches, cracks and other damages. Small defects can be eliminated small шабером, in more serious cases the head should be pierced, or to replace.
- Make sure of cleanliness and dryness of carving apertures, — just in case blow their compressed air (it is possible to take advantage of the bicycle pump). Presence at deaf apertures of traces of greasing can lead to block destruction at a tightening of bolts as a result of increase of hydraulic pressure.
- Bolts of fastening of a head are subject to replacement without fail, without dependence from their current condition.
- By means of a steel ruler and щупа лезвийного type check up planeness of an interfaced surface of a head (the General see and engine major repairs).
- On the given engines the backlash size between a head and pistons is regulated by thickness of a lining. In the left forward corner of a lining are provided просечки by which quantity it is possible to define its thickness.
C. |
Quantity просечек |
Thickness of a lining, mm |
Engines of 1.7 l SOHC |
Engines of 1.7 l DOHC |
Engines of 2.0 l |
Without просечек |
1.30 |
One просечка
Two просечки |
1.50 |
- The demanded thickness of a lining can be calculated also on size выступания the piston over a block surface (see further).
- Result the engine in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder. Establish on the block циферблатный a measuring instrument плунжерного type, press плунжер a measuring instrument to an interfaced surface of the block and null the device. Now move плунжер on a surface of the bottom of the piston of the first cylinder and measure its size выступания (on engines of 1.7 l SOHC — in three points of the bottom of each piston). Further, operating in a similar manner, define size выступания the piston of the fourth cylinder.
C. |
- Turn a cranked shaft on a half-turn for the purpose of reduction in positions ВМТ of pistons of 3rd and 2nd cylinders and repeat measurements. In summary return the engine in position ВМТ of the piston of the first cylinder.
- On engines of 1.7 l SOHC combine all 12 received results (on three on each piston) and divide result on 12; on engines of 1.7 l DOHC and 2.0 l the lining steals up on the maximum size выступания. By means of resulted below the table calculate a necessary thickness of a new lining.
Size выступания the piston, mm |
Demanded lining |
Engines of 1.7 l SOHC |
Engines of 1.7 l DOHC |
Engines of 2.0 l |
Less than 0.80 |
0.63—0.696 |
Without просечек
One просечка
0.90 and more |
0.764—0.830 |
Two просечки
On engines of 1.7 l SOHC if any of pistons acts more strongly other more than on 0.05 mm, establish a lining большей thickness. For example, if the average size выступания makes 0.79 mm, and one of measurements makes 0.85 mm (a difference in 0.06 mm), use a lining with one просечкой. |