Opel Astra, Zafira

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Astra
+ Cars Opel Astra and Zafira
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- The engine
   Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders
   Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
   + Procedures of repair of petrol engines SOHC without their extraction from the car
   + Procedures of repair of petrol engines DOHC without their extraction from the car
   - Procedures of repair of diesel engines of 1.7 l and 2.0 l without their extraction from the car
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point of the end of a step of compression (ВМТ)
      Check and adjustment of phases газораспределения (engines 2.0)
      Removal and cover installation газораспределительного the mechanism
      Removal and installation of a pulley of a cranked shaft
      Removal and installation of a cover of drive ГРМ
      Removal and installation натяжителей chains of drive ГРМ (engines 2.0)
      Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ
      Removal and installation натяжителя a belt and cogwheels of drive ГРМ (engines 1.7)
      Removal and installations of chains and asterisks of drive ГРМ, check of a condition of components (engines 2.0)
      Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft (engines 1.7)
      Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves (engines of 1.7 l DOHC)
      Removal and camshaft installation (ов) and components of a drive of valves
      Removal and case installation газораспределительного the mechanism (engines of 1.7 l DOHC)
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
      Removal and pallet installation картера
      Removal, service and installation of the oil pump
      Replacement of an epiploon of the oil pump (engines 1.7)
      Removal and installation маслоохладителя
      Removal, check of a condition and flywheel / installation приводного a disk
      Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
      Check of a condition and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
   + The general and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ

Replacement of a belt of drive ГРМ

РВ — the Cam-shaft
ВН — the Water pump

Fuel pump — the Fuel pump of a high pressure
Р — the Roller

Removal газораспределительного a belt should be made on the cold engine!

Do not turn the engine at removed газораспределительном a belt!

On the models equipped with engine SOHC, the new bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of a camshaft is required.

The engine of 1.7 l SOHC

For diesel engines of 1.7 l DOHC procedure is similar described for petrol engines DOHC (Procedures of repair of petrol engines DOHC without their extraction from the car see).


Cм. An illustration Replacement of a belt of drive ГРМ.


  1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
  2. Remove an air cleaner with an inlet air line and the gauge of measurement of weight of air (MAF).
  3. Remove the top cover of drive ГРМ [1].
  4. Remove a belt () a drive of auxiliary units.
  5. Cock a lay brake, поддомкратьте redock of the car and establish it on props. Remove the right forward wheel. At a corresponding complete set remove protection картера.
  6. Turn out fixing bolts [2] and remove a pulley of a cranked shaft [3].
  7. Prop up the engine by means of adaptation KM-6001 and establish aligning tool KM-909-V.
  8. Remove the right support of a suspension bracket of the power unit with the arm.
  9. Remove натяжитель a belt of a drive of auxiliary units.
  10. Uncover a drive газораспределительного the mechanism (Removal and installation of a cover of drive ГРМ see).
  11. Having turned a cranked shaft, result the engine in position 90 ° before ВМТ the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder [5].
  12. Make sure that a cam of a drive of the final valve of the first cylinder will develop a working ledge vertically upwards [6].
  13. Ослабьте bolts of fastening of cogwheel Fuel pump [7] also tighten them by hand.
  14. Release a bolt натяжителя [8], with the help пруткового a key (Allen) [10] develop last clockwise before reduction of the left emphasis in corresponding position [9].
  15. Slightly tighten a bolt натяжителя and remove газораспределительный a belt. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of a camshaft [11], — the bolt is subject to replacement without fail.
  16. Screw a new bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of a camshaft and by hand it tighten, make sure that the wheel can be turned.

If the belt is in good repair and is subject to the further use, mark with a chalk or a paint an original direction of its rotation.


Cм. An illustration Replacement of a belt of drive ГРМ.


  1. Make sure that a cam of a drive of the final valve of the first cylinder will develop a working ledge upwards [6].
  2. Make sure that the engine is in position 90 ° before ВМТ the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder [5].
  3. Establish measuring frame КМ-661-1 [12] and track, that its left landing pins have got apertures in the case of the mechanism of drive ГРМ.
  4. Establish циферблатный measuring instrument МКМ-571-В, having rested it плунжер against a heel of a cam of a drive of the inlet valve of the first cylinder (the second from the forward end) [13а].

On a measuring instrument leg it is necessary to plant a nozzle with the flat cylindrical basis диметром 10 mm. The pretightness should not exceed 0.50 mm.

  1. Null a measuring instrument, then shift measuring frame КМ-611-1 to the left so that the right landing pins have got to reception nests in the case of the mechanism of drive ГРМ, and the measuring instrument nozzle has appeared in position [13b].
  2. Establish holder КМ-661-2 on the cylinder № 4 [14].
  3. By means of a wrench adjust camshaft position so that the indication циферблатного a measuring instrument made approximately 0.80 mm [15].
  4. Rotation of the screw [16] make thin adjustment of a camshaft, achieving, that indications of a measuring instrument did not fall outside the limits a range of 0.60-0.64 mm.
  5. By means of a key [17] slowly turn cogwheel Fuel pump and pass in the case of last lock tool KM-6011 [18].
  6. Turning a cranked shaft clockwise, result the engine in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder (Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point of the end of a step of compression (ВМТ) see. Make sure of correctness of combination of adjusting labels [19].
  7. Pass lock tool KM-951 in a casing of a flywheel [20].

Fixing can be made by installation on a bolt of a spring of a distributive pin [21].

  1. Having begun with a cogwheel of a cranked shaft and moving counter-clockwise, establish газораспределительный a belt. Track, that the belt has been tense on sites between the next wheels.
  2. Ослабьте a bolt натяжителя [8].
  3. With the help пруткового a key [10] develop натяжитель counter-clockwise so that the index near to the right emphasis has occupied demanded position [22].
  4. Tighten a bolt натяжителя with effort of 25 Nanometers.
  5. Having blocked a camshaft cogwheel, tighten a bolt [11] with effort of 75 Nanometers, then hold on it at first on 69 °, then for 5 °.
  6. Having blocked cogwheel Fuel pump, tighten bolts [7] with effort of 25 Nanometers.
  7. Remove blocking tool [14].
  8. Cautiously remove measuring frame КМ-661-1 [12], — try not to displace циферблатный a measuring instrument.
  9. Remove blocking flywheel a core [20] and a lock core [18].
  10. Slowly turn a cranked shaft on two complete revolutions clockwise and result it in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder, — make sure of correctness of combination of adjusting labels [19].
  11. Release a bolt натяжителя [8] and, having developed it clockwise, achieve demanded combination of the index [23] — a new belt or [24] — the belt which was in the use.
  12. Tighten a bolt натяжителя with effort of 25 Nanometers.
  13. Slowly turn a cranked shaft on two complete revolutions clockwise and result it in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder, — make sure of correctness of combination of adjusting labels [19].
  14. Check up correctness of position of the index натяжителя (see above item 22). In case of need repeat procedure of adjustment of a tension of a belt.
  15. Turn a cranked shaft on two complete revolutions clockwise, - make sure of correctness of combination of adjusting labels [19] and establish distributive pin КМ-951 [20] in a flywheel casing.
  16. Fill blocking finger КМ-6011 in Fuel pump [18].
  17. Establish measuring frame КМ-661-1 [12] and make sure that its landing fingers have got to reception nests in the case of the mechanism of drive ГРМ [13b], — циферблатный the measuring instrument should fix the indication 0.55 ± 0.03 mm. In case of need repeat installation procedure.
  18. Operating in an order, the return to a dismantle order, establish on the places the removed components.
  19. Tighten bolts of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft [2] with effort of 20 Nanometers.