Opel Astra, Zafira

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Astra
+ Cars Opel Astra and Zafira
+ The operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ The engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Manual transmission
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
- Onboard electric equipment
   Search of causes of failures of an electric equipment
   Safety locks - the general information
   The relay - the general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   Removal and installation of switches
   Replacement of lamps of external lighting and alarm devices
   Replacement of lamps of internal lighting devices
   Removal and installation of external lighting/alarm devices
   Adjustment of a direction of optical axes of headlights
   Removal and installation of a combination of devices
   Removal and installation of components of the panel of devices
   Removal and installation прикуривателя
   Removal and installation of small horns of a horn
   Removal and installation of levers (leads) of screen wipers
   Removal and installation of elements of a drive of screen wipers
   Removal and installation of components of system of washing of glasses
   Check of serviceability of functioning and regenerative repair of a heater of back glass
   Removal and audiosystem installation / the navigating block
   Removal and installation of elements of remote control by audiosystem functioning
   Removal and installation of loudspeakers
   Removal and installation of the aerial of a radio receiver
   Anticreeping system and system immobilization the engine - the general information
   The gauge of speed of movement of the car (VSS) - the general information
   System of additional safety (SRS) - the general information
   Removal and installation of elements SRS
   Schemes of electric connections - the general information
   + Basic schemes of electric connections

Дефекты и ремонт выхлопной системы "Мерседес"

Removal and installation of components of the panel of devices

New multipurpose after installation should be programmed on firm car repair shop Opel.

The multipurpose display

Models Astra


  1. Remove a forward ashtray (the Body see the Head).
  2. Remove from the panel of devices a cover of a box for trifles (the Body see the Head).
  3. Remove a radio tape recorder and its assembly box (Check of serviceability of functioning and regenerative repair of a heater of back glass see).
  4. At a corresponding complete set remove the block of navigation GPS.
  5. Remove from an overlay of the panel of devices the control panel functioning of systems of heating / of ventilation / of an air conditioning (see the Head of System of cooling, heating).
  6. Remove from the panel of devices дефлекторы the central air lines (see the Head of System of cooling, heating).
  7. Remove a decorative overlay of the panel of devices and disconnect electroconducting from the multipurpose display. Also disunite a contact socket of the switch of the alarm system (Removal and installation of switches see).
  1. From the back party of an overlay turn out fixing screws.
  1. Remove the block of the multipurpose display.
  1. Installation is made upside-down.

Models Zafira


  1. Remove a forward ashtray (the Body see the Head).
  2. Turn out two bottom fixing screws and separate from the panel of devices the control panel functioning of systems of heating / of ventilation / of an air conditioning (see the Head of System of cooling, heating).
  3. Remove the switch of the alarm system and disconnect from it an electroconducting socket (Removal and installation of switches see).
  4. Remove the control panel functioning of systems of heating / of ventilation / of an air conditioning.
  5. Remove a steering wheel (the Suspension bracket and a steering see the Head), - do not forget to disconnect the storage battery preliminary.
  6. Turn out fixing screws and remove sections of a casing of a steering column (the Suspension bracket and a steering see the Head). Take away downwards the handle of a control lever column position.
  7. Release fixture and remove from a steering column подрулевые switches (Removal and installation of switches see).
  8. Remove a radio receiver (Check of serviceability of functioning and regenerative repair of a heater of back glass see).
  9. Remove the switch of management of functioning of lighting devices (Removal and installation of switches see).
  10. Remove from the panel of devices a cover of the assembly block of safety locks.
  11. Having passed a screw-driver in a lattice groove дефлектора a lateral air line, turn out the fixing screw and remove дефлектор.
  12. Turn out screws of fastening of facing of an instrument guard to the panel of devices (three screws over a guard, on one from both parties of a steering column and on one in lower corners of a facing framework).
  1. Remove facing of an instrument guard from the panel of devices, simultaneously also having removed with directing the switch of management of functioning of lighting devices. Disconnect electroconducting from the block of the multipurpose display, then separate the remained plaits from a facing framework of a frame.
  1. Remove the block of the multipurpose display from the facing panel.
  2. Installation is made upside-down.

The gauge of temperature of external air


  1. Having opened a cowl, disconnect electroconducting from the gauge established in assemblage of a forward bumper.
  1. Turn the gauge and remove it from a bumper.
  1. Installation is made upside-down.

The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid

See the Head of System of cooling, heating.

The gauge-switch of level of a cooling liquid

The gauge-switch is established in the basis of a broad tank of system of cooling.


  1. Partially merge cooling liquid, the gauge (see the Head of System of cooling, heating) will not open yet. Remove a broad tank and disconnect from the gauge electroconducting.
  2. Having turned a tank, a screw-driver release the gauge.
  3. Installation is made upside-down.

The gauge-switch of level of a liquid in the tank of a liquid of washing of glasses

The gauge-switch is established at the left under a forward bumper.


  1. Remove a bumper (the Body see the Head).
  2. Disconnect from located the tank of a washing liquid of the gauge electroconducting.
  3. Accurately remove the gauge from the tank.
  4. Installation is made upside-down.

The gauge-switch of level of oil


  1. Remove the pallet картера (the Engine see the Head).
  2. Remove from the pallet fixing ring.
  3. Separate from the pallet a contact socket of the gauge of level of oil.
  4. Turn out fixing bolts and remove the gauge from the pallet in gathering with a sealing ring, - the ring is subject to replacement without fail.
  5. Installation is made upside-down. Do not forget to replace a sealing ring. The description of procedure of installation of the pallet see the Head the Engine.